Michelob Ultra:
McEnroe vs. McEnroe
A bleeding-edge Frankenstein of mo-cap tech, A.I. Learning, and industrial robotics, we created a time machine to break the space-time continuum so that John McEnroe could play against past versions of himself.
On one side of the court: the real John McEnroe. On the other: virtual avatars from every era of his career.
Why? Because Michelob Ultra believes it’s only worth it if you enjoy it.
Aired in 52 countries. $20+million of earned media. 3+ Billion impressions.
1x Emmy Award (Digital Innovation in Sports)
7x Cannes Lions (2x gold, 2x silver, 3x bronze)
12x D&AD Pencils (2x gold, 3x silver, 7x bronze)
19x One Show Pencils (10x gold, 7 silver, 2 bronze)
13x Art Directors Club Cubes (1x best of discipline, 6x gold, 4x silver, 2x bronze)
15x Clios (2x grand, 7x gold, 4x silver, 2x bronze)
3x Andys (3x Gold)
3x London International Awards (2x silver, 1x bronze)
11x Clio Sports (5x Gold, 4x Silver, 2x Bronze)
Yarr! Here be a cutdown!
I know you wanted some of that sweet sweet BTS footage, so here it is.
Client: Michelob Ultra
Partner: Alex Abrantes
CDs: Jay Marsen, Lex Beltrone
ACDs: Thomas Mori, Simon Dolsten
ECD: Gabriel Schmitt